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The Dog Lady is owned and operated by Debi Coleman a professional dog trainer with over 20 years of experience.


The Puppy Specialist for Central West NSW

  • Debi has had a lifelong love for all animals – horses and dogs in particular.

  • Completed the Delta Society Australia’s Certificate IV in Dog Behavioural Training in 2004 while at the same time training her Golden Retriever Carter as the first Delta Therapy Dog in central west NSW. She has been training in Orange and its surroundings ever since.

  • Internationally certified with the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers in USA in 2014.

  • Debi has continued her education and learning and is now qualified as a Temperament Assessor for Dogs NSW, Assessor for Mind Dogs Australia, Assessor for PPG Pet Dog Ambassador Program. 

  • Completed Certificate in Canine Myofunctional Therapy with the National College of Traditional Medicine in Melbourne believing that massage can be beneficial for many dogs to assist with relaxation, pre and post exercise, improving circulation and range of movement. Is also currently studying Canine Fitness.

APDT Australian Pet Dog Trainer
of the Year 2017



  • Works privately with clients of both adult dogs and puppies at her purpose built training facility . Also conducts in-home behavioural and training consultations.

  • Debi trains and assesses School Support Dogs throughout Central West NSW

  • Trains her own dogs and is currently doing nose work, dog parkour, cooperative care and tricks for fun.

  • Debi has written numerous articles on dog behaviour for local media and has presented on a range of dog subjects for local radio and TV outlets.

  • As well as being the most qualified and experienced canine behaviour specialist in the area, Debi attends a number of workshops and seminars annually (both in Australia and overseas) in order to provide her clients with the most up to date knowledge on behaviour and training.

  • Teaches one- of- a kind puppy classes in Central West NSW. Debi runs small puppy socialisation and training classes at her own purpose built training facility. Puppies get the opportunity to interact with friendly older dogs, learn puppy manners and build confidence by exploring the farm environment safely. 


Formal qualifications:

  • Certificate IV in Dog Behavioural Training from Delta Institute of Australia

  • Certificate IV Training & Assessment

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (USA)

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Delta Institute

  • Canine Temperament Evaluator – Delta Society Australia Ltd

  • Dogs NSW Accredited Temperament Assessor

  • Pet Dog Ambassador Assessor (USA)

  • Accredited Fear Free Certified Trainer (USA)

  • Accredited Assessor and Trainer mindDogs Australia

  • DMWYD Accredited Trick Dog Instructor

Professional Memberships with the following organisations:

  • Delta Institute of Australia

  • Pet Professional Guild of Australia

  • Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia

  • Fear Free Pets (USA)

  • NICE (UK)

  • Certified Council for Professional Dog Trainers (USA)

To be an effective coach to you and your canine companion I regularly attend seminars and workshops - both nationally and internationally - to improve my knowledge and skills in many areas of dog training and behaviour. My aim is to remain up to date with scientific findings and current best practice.


I hold Professional Indemnity Insurance for your peace of mind.




Mastering Errorless Animal Training Agnieszka Janarek - Paws and Reflect -3 day online live RSPCA NSW Dr Sarah Heath and Dr Gabi Carter - Parkour in Training Certificate – Princess Daisy International Dog Parkour Assn - mindDog Assessors Workshop- 2-day workshop mindDog Australia Central Coast NSW - The Big Two! Aggression and Separation Anxiety Conference – 3-day conference Canine Education Australia Michael Shikashio and Dr Moira Hechenleitner Sydney NSW


Dog Behaviour Conference- 3-day online Victoria Stilwell Academy Kim Brophy/Sarah Fisher/Andrew Hale/Irith Bloom/Craig Ogilvie - Scent and Scentability Robert Hewing – 3-day conference. Florida USA - Scent Games for your Dog Suzanne Clothier - Unlocking the Emotional Experience Dog Centred Care - Provide First Aid Allen’s Training P/L - Trick Dog 1 Certificate – Toby The Dog Abides - Perfect Positions Certificate – Penny The Dog Abides


Certificate Trick Dog Instructor Certificate Do More with Your Dog - Barkour – Princess Daisy School for the Dogs NY - Intermediate Trick Dog Certificate – Toby Do More with Your Dog - Tricks: Level 1 – Toby School for the Dogs NY - Novice Trick Dog – Panda Do More With your Dog


101 Things to do Beyond the Box E-Training for Dogs Inc - Ethology and Canine Behaviour Lecture: Temperament Assessment in Identifying Mental Health Issue in Dogs E-Training for Dogs Inc - Downward Dog - Toby School for the Dogs NY - Living and Learning with Animals – The Science and Technology of Behaviour Change Behaviour Works (Dr Susan G. Friedman) - Easy Walks with your Reactive Dog Course Sally Gutteridge - Defensive Handling with Aggressive Dogs IAABC - Recognizing Pain: Physical vs Behaviour IAABC - Introduction to Animal Communication- 3-day workshop Jacqueline Buckingham Perthville NSW


NZ Annual Dog Trainers Conference- 3-day conference NZ Pet Dog Trainers Association Ken Ramirez and Emma Bermingham Auckland NZ - Taking the Lead, Exploring the Relevance of Dog Emotional Health in Training - 3 Day Conference. Delta Institute Dr Sarah Heath; Dr Gaille Perry; Natalie Watson Sydney, NSW - Learning about Learning- 4 -day conference Dr Susan G Friedman and Peta Clarke Riverwood Downs NSW - Australian Pet Dog Trainers Conference – 4-day conference Australian Pet Dog Trainers Association Peta Clarke, Ken Ramirez, Dr Kate Mornement, Dr Vanessa Rohl, Michael Shikashio Hunter Valley NSW


Pet Professional Guild Annual Conference – 4-day conference Pet Professional Guild Australia Bankstown, NSW Presenters: Kathy Sdao, Chirag Patel, Alexis Davison, Louise Newman, Michelle Pouliot, Dr Kat Gregory, Laura Ryder, Louise Ginman - Pet Dog Trainers Conference USA – 4-day conference Pet Dog Trainers Association Various Presenters Memphis USA - Rat and Guinea Pig Workshop Pet Dog Trainers Association Laura Monaco-Torelli USA - Pet Dog Ambassador Assessor Qualification Pet Professional Guild (USA)


Voted Australian Pet Dog Trainer of the Year 2017 Australian Pet Dog Trainers Adelaide VIC - Certified Professional Dog Trainer Qualification CPDT-KA Certification Certified Council for Professional Dog Trainers (USA) - Bob Bailey Down Under Tour – 3-day workshop Bob Bailey Castle Hill - APDT Australia Annual Conference- 3-day conference Australian Pet Dog Trainers Presenters: Rise Van Fleet, Susan Freidman, Veronica Boutelle, Nicholas Bishop, Alexis Davison, Peta Clarke Adelaide, SA


Pet Professional Guild – 3-day summit Pet Professional Guild Various Presenters Tampa Florida - APDT Australia Annual Conference -4-day conference Australian Pet Dog Trainers Association Presenters: Robin Bennett, Mik Moeller, Sonya Bevan, Alexis Davison, Anita Marchesani Bankstown NSW


Introduction to K9 Nose Work – 3- day workshop K9Nose Time Jill Marie O’Brien/Marion Brand Castle Hill NSW


TagTeach Primary Certification TagTeach International Theresa McKeown - Behaviour Adjustment Training Instructor’s Course – 4 -day conference Grisha Stewart Melbourne Vic


Association of Pet Dog Trainers – 5-day conference American Pet Dog Trainers Various Presenters Spokane USA


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Debi's Dogs
Congeniality Officer in charge of happiness
Friendship Coordinator in charge of pats
Concierge responsible for official greetings
Head of Security
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Personal Assistant responsible for monitoring 
Heavenly Angel
Watching over The Haven crew
from above
Minister of Play and Mischief
Dallas R.I.P
Overseeing Angel

Debbie knows her dog stuff. Not only for puppies but also for older dogs. She is a wealth of knowledge. Would recommend to anyone who has a puppy or dog that requires training.

Mary Brodbeck

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